Skin Classic Direct high frequency technology is an affordable non-laser treatment for minor skin irregularities such as broken capillaries, cherry angiomas, keratosis,fibromas, skin tags, hyperpigmentation, milia, sebaceous hyperplasia and acne. Works on the epidermis only.
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Yellow-ish lumps of fatty material that accumulates under the skin. Found mostly on the eyelids and under the eyes.
Small dialated blood vessels near the surface of the skin onthe on the face can be treated easily with the Skin Classic.
Non-cancerous raised skin growth in various colors (from light tan to black). Often described as having a “pasted on” appearance.
Made up of clusters of capillaries at the surface of the skin forming a small round dome that may be flat topped. May be small or up to a centimeter or more in diameter. The Skin Classic can dehydrate the tissue, form a crust then shed in 7-10 days.
A keratin filled cyst that can appear just under the epidermis. Looks like a small hard white bump. While hard to extract, Resolution of this issue is high with a Skin Classic treatment.
A common, benign condition of the sebaceous gland in adults of middle age or older. Looks like a small yellowish, soft papule with an indent in the center. Usually on the nose, cheeks and forehead. Treatment with the Skin Classic is easy and very effective.
A small benign growth that forms primarily where the skin forms creases, neck, armpit. The Skin Classic, with gentle tapping, will dehydrate the tag and it will shed in 7-10 days.
A small pigmented spot on the skin with a clearly defined border surrounded with normal skin. Sometimes called liver spots, age spots, they mainly appear on the face, arms, backs of hands and upper part of the trunk.
Excess oils that have accumulated in the sebaceous gland duct causing a black or yellow bump on the skin. The Skin Classic can extract these with no trauma to the pore or surrounding skin.
A benign growth of the sweat gland. Occurs mostly around the eyes..Small whitish bumps, not fluid filled. Can be treated with the Skin Classic but is not a permanent fix.
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